Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Jeremiah 29:11

“I used to think I could shape the circumstances around me, but now I know Jesus uses circumstances to shape me”
-Bob Goff

I sat at my desk, halfway spinning my chair back and forth just far enough so that I could still stare at my computer screen. I typed, deleted, re-typed, deleted, as I drafted an article about the Virginia Horse Center. It's so funny to me that something that played such a significant role in my childhood is now creeping its way back into my life.

I thought that when I left for college, that chapter of my life had closed. I made peace with leaving the home-town riding experiences I had when I was younger and understood that it would never be the same. But as I sat there, I thought about my days as a younger rider. My early mornings, humid afternoons, and late nights spent at Hazelwild Farm. The friendships made, and broken, and mended. The lessons learned, the easy way and the hard way.

And I realized something. 

A little bit of background - Throughout most of my riding as a kid, I never really felt good enough. Sometimes I was confident, sure, but I was never satisfied with my results, my progress, or where I was at compared to other people. In some ways I can say that it drove me to become the better rider and person that I am today. But in other ways, it tore me down. I was emotionally, mentally, and physically exhausted. And I was no good at hiding it. I spent countless horse shows crying over how "poorly" I performed. Countless lessons being angry at myself for making a mistake. Countless days critiquing myself as I watched videos of my riding over, and over, and over again.

I now realize that all of that negativity was useless in the pursuit of my dreams. In times of frustration, I remind myself of how embarrassing some of those breakdowns were. I also try to remind myself that it isn't fair to bully my past. I was who I was, and I am who I am today because of it. 

But then I thought, what exactly was my dream?

(Now to go off on a tangent for a significant part of this realization) The other week, I got to visit my very best friends at college, spending five days jammed packed with hanging out in Athens, going to my favorite spots, and just... being. I had the pleasure of staying on a twin-sized air mattress on the floor of Haley's room. One night, we were up late, chatting about life. And as I ranted on about all the things I was anxious about my future, she said something that really stuck with me. 

"What is your dream?"
To which I replied, "You know what, I don't actually know."

And Haley said, "Maybe you should try writing them down. Then you can really focus on driving yourself towards what you want to do in life." 

So that's what I'm doing now. As I sit at my desk, feeling nostalgic about my past, I tried to think about what my dreams actually were, and how it has affected my life, and what my dreams are today. 

Obviously as a kid who rode horses, I wanted to win. I wanted to be the best, and it drove me to practice hard. But I also compared myself. I wanted to be better than others. I wanted the expensive horses. I wanted the name recognition, and I wanted it to come naturally. I longed to spend my life dedicated to riding and competing... and winning.

But what I never fully grasped was that my circumstances were different than everyone else. I was on my own path. And I guess I just had a false realization of what that path was, or could have been. I so wish that 10, 12, or 15 year-old Ally could see where I ended up today. That she could understand that winning isn't everything. Perfect rides, competitions, and horses, just don't exist. That she could realize all of that hard work would pay off. And that I could be okay with the fact that maybe my hard work wouldn't pay off instantly, in the way I had it planned in my head. That it wouldn't be instant gratification.

But that it would still be so gratifying.

I sat, at my desk, realizing that maybe the reason I was never the wining rider, the rider that had it all, the rider that made it big, was so that I could end up here. Everything came full circle. I am still pursuing my passion, just with a different dream now. A dream to always include riding in my life, but in a new and exciting way.

And after seeing the side of horseback riding I had always dreamed to be a part of, I can honestly say that I am grateful for the experience that I got to have. I made great friends, I made a second family, I made memories, and I made strides in my life (pun intended).

I realize now that His plan for me was never to become that rider. That where I am now was bigger than any champion ribbon or expensive horse money could buy. And giving up one dream does not mean that there isn't something better right around the corner. It's all about being fearless in the pursuit of your passion, and being patient for your purpose to show it's face. 

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Wellington Wrap Up

"Every day God invites us on the same kind of adventure. It's not a trip where He sends us a rigid itinerary, He simply invites us. God asks what it is He's made us to love, what it is that captures our attention, what feeds that deep indescribable need of our souls to experience the richness of the world He made. And then, leaning over us, He whispers, "Let's go do that together.” -Bob Goff

(a brief compilation of some Wellington highlights, wrapped up perfectly be Ilana at the end)

This has been such an amazing adventure, and I am so grateful for everything I have been able to do, everyone I have met, and all that I have learned. Sometimes you just have to open your heart and let God guide you to where you need to be, and this is definitely where I want to be. Here's to an adventure filled Summer 2016!

Things I've learned:

1. Take a leap of faith always

2. Olympic riders are just like us (only cooler)

3. Giraffes have really, really long tongues  

4. Horses are still as cool as I thought they were

5. Burgerfi needs to be in every city in America

6. Do not be driven by fear

7. A lot of things about polo

8. You can find a friend in all types of people

9. Even though I am Italian I do not tan quickly...

10. Phelps is pretty cool ;)  

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Wellington Weekly #14

Season is officially over!! That means my time at Phelps was coming to a close... But in an exciting turn of events, I will be staying here for the summer!! I cannot wait to continue working for this amazing company. Here is my "last week" at the internship:

April 1
GPL! I worked in the office today, and then Kendall and I headed to IPC to shoot photos for the GPL Polotini party!! After we worked, I stayed to hang out with Barre and Ilana, and headed to home to rest up for the hunter derby!

April 2
 Taylor and I got to cover the hunter derby today, and luckily the weather was kind to us. It was hot, but the wind was forgiving, and the class was fun to watch! After the derby, the interns headed to WEF to get drenched in the rain during the last grand prix of the season! We took shelter in the media tent for a bit, and then headed out before the jump off ended.

April 3
For the first time ever, all of us had the day off! We had lunch at Short Stacks (highly recommend) and made a plan for an exciting afternoon. It started out by a possibly homeless and mentally absent man telling us that our legs looked like Italy (he wasn't wrong...). He probably said it over and over about 30 times. We then retreated to our car, and he proceeded to follow us... So we got in Barre's getaway car, and headed out of there. After all of that excitement, we finally decided on going to the drive through Safari! One of the most fun days ever. And I fed a giraffe... Life = made.

April 4
It was back to the office, and not much to report on this day. 

April 5
An exciting day! It was technically the intern's last staff meeting, and last week in the office, so the office shut down at two and we all went out to Casa Tequila for mexican food!! (and cake for Cat & Ilana's birthday!) After eating way too much Mexican, I went to Ilana's pool to "tan" with what little sun was left. Ilana, Barre, and I decided we needed Rita's, and then we decided that we had to introduce Ilana to the joy that is Outback bread and blooming onion. A great decision. 

April 6
Today was a big day! I decided to stay at Phelps for the summer, and got lots of excited reactions from people in the office! I can't wait to see what the summer has in store, and I can't wait to see who else will be joining the Phelps team! After work, Ilana, Barre, and I headed to MA's to check on her kitty, and stopped by the outlets for a little window shopping (then they convinced me to buy bracelet, and I don't regret that decision). I did laundry and then called it a night! 

April 7
All of the interns decided to sit at the big conference table in the back instead of in our office, and it was a great decision. We all got CR Chick's for lunch, and had a fun time just hanging out. For dinner, what else was there to do but go to the Food Truck Invasion!?? So many great food choices were made this week. 

April 8
Today was Ilana's and Jenna's final day in the office. After I covered a class at the show in the morning and worked in the office for a few hours, we packed up Barre's car and headed for Miami. No, not for a vacation, but for a horse show... ON THE BEACH. It was so cool. We're super lucky that we got to leave the office early and watch the show on the beach. 

I am going to do a wrap up of my WEF Season here at Phelps, so hopefully I'll some "Things I've learned" that will wrap things up... Also my excuse to not include that in this post because I'm lazy and just very far behind at this point. A WEF wrap up video to come too!! Stay tuned for fun things!

Wellington Weekly #11, 12, 13

I should've known that committing myself to doing this every week was going to end bad. I've fallen very behind. This is my attempt to round up the last few weeks here in Wellington (very, very, very broad overview)

Week 11
1. PONIES!! I covered the pony derby out on the grass field, and my heart was so full of warm fuzzies while I watched the kids parade around the course on their fabulous ponies (also burnt the backs of my legs and they were on FIRE)

2. Covered the WEF Challenge on St. Patty's day, and 1.50m GP on Sunday followed by "pan-handling" free totes and socks on the side of the road! Fun times.

Week 12
1. Nothing too noteworthy that I can remember... Fun horse show coverage and exciting times in the office!

Week 13
1. I got to cover the George Morris Excellence in Equitation Championship with Emily, and it was great!! I didn't meet the legend himself, but it was cool to watch some of the best equitation riders compete... Without trainers! The evening finished up the only way we knew how: BURGERFI

2. I took the weekend to drive to Fort Myers to spend time with my family and my parents and sister that were in town too! Had a nice visit, good fun, and lots of candy from the Easter bunny (aka mom)

3. This week also kicked off GPL week! I went to Mason & Ron's on Thursday night to shoot the VIP party and hang with the best!

For the life of me, I cannot remember anything that I would have learned these past three weeks...

Monday, March 14, 2016

Wellington Weekly #10

(Chelsea spent her Spring Break with me, so this week is dedicated to our adventures!)

March 4
Another equitation Friday! I love covering the equitation divisions and watching all of the talented young riders. 

March 5
A long, exciting Saturday! Jenna and I covered the junior rider Nations Cup divisions, and watch children, junior, and young riders from around the world compete for their country. The US was well represented, winning the junior and young riders divisions. It was a late night, but a super fun day of coverage!

March 6
Today is the day, Chelsea has arrived!!! We had a full day planned already. After picking her up from the airport, we discovered a new brunch spot and ate our body weight in pancakes, eggs, and bacon. Along with our food babies, we went to the Lake Worth beach! The only problem was that the Lake Worth beach was not quite a beach, what with the high tides and waves and whatnot. We spent the majority of our time running away from the water, got in some nice photo shoots, and walked to an ice cream shop to finish our beach day. We hit the grocery store, made tacos for dinner, and watched a very interesting Lifetime movie to prepare for the fun week ahead of us. 

March 7
I spent my day in the office, and Chelsea unfortunately had to spend her day at my house, but as soon as I got home, we packed our overnight bags and headed to ORLANDO!! We had the best subway sandwiches we had ever eaten, followed by a fun couple of hours hanging out at Downtown Disney. We got chocolate wasted at Ghirardelli and window shopped before calling it a night. My dad graciously got us a hotel room for the night, and we curled up in the fluffy comforters and pillows to get our beauty sleep for UNIVERSAL!

March 8
In an effort to not make this day go on into an essay, I will summarize in short phrases: Islands of Adventure, Dr. Doom's fear fall, Harry Potter World, flight of the Hippogriff, Dueling Dragons, #BeckySentUs, Butter Beer, chicken fingers, Suess Landing, Hogwarts Express, Universal Studios, Diagon Alley, Revenge of the Mummy, giant pink doughnut, find someone who looks like they could take our picture, Hard Rock Cafe, Uber, Instagram science, driving 2.5 hours home

March 9
A day at work and an attempt to recuperate from my Universal Studios hangover, and then after work Chelsea and I had lettuce wraps for dinner, followed by a quick trip to the outlets! I had to restrain myself in an attempt to save money, but Chelsea got some great deals!

March 10 
Boooooo it's Chelsea's last day :( We headed back to Lake Worth beach, except we tried out a different section in the hopes that we would actually have beach this time. We found a great spot, and I proceeded to nap on the beach (and don't listen to Chelsea when she tells you that I snore...) Chelsea and I did some exploring, found lots of jelly fish, shells, and a coconut! We tried to open it but were unsuccessful, called it a day, and found a pizza joint and enjoyed our lunch on the beach. After getting home and discovering I was sunburned, we headed to our final adventure: Food Truck Invasion! We ate delicious shrimp tacos, had great dessert, and then I had to take Chelsea to the airport for her flight home. It was great to have her, but too short of a trip!

Things I've learned this week:

1. You have to pay to go on the pier

2. Make friends with amusement park workers and they'll let you skip lines

3. Instagram is a science and Chelsea and I have mastered it

4. The food trucks change each week and are all so tempting

5. A two-park ticket for Universal & Islands of Adventure is worth it

6. Tuesday in the beginning of March is prime Disney time 

7. If you want to swim in the ocean, don't go to the beach during high tide or high winds 

8. Islands of Adventure is the best spot for roller coasters
9. Roller coasters make you dizzy and nauseous 

Wellington Weekly #9

(I'm bad at taking videos, so here is a brief compilation of Haley's trip to Wellington this week!)
February 26
Surprise surprise, a day full of horses! In the morning I covered the equation division, USEF Talent Search day. After working on photos and my article, I headed out to the Fete Cheval event at the VIP tent! Top professional and junior riders volunteered their time to compete in an equitation exhibition accompanied by commentary. It was so interested to see Grand Prix riders and junior riders ban together to compete in an equitation class, and for a good cause, the Equus Foundation. What a fun night!

February 27 & 28
It was an early wake up call to catch a plane ride home. I had to say goodbye to my childhood best friend, my sweet Mags. It was a hard weekend. While it wasn't under the best circumstances, I'm glad I got to home and spend the weekend with my family. On Sunday I got to watch the IEA team compete in Regionals, and spend some snuggle time with my girl Roxy.

February 29
A day in the office! A nice relaxing Monday to recoup from the weekend. 
March 1
Back in the office! Nothing too exciting, just helping everyone catch up on work and get the weekend started right! I got to help out with India night tonight for one of our clients, and it was such a fun event. All of the proceeds went to the Salvation Tree School in India, and the couple that runs the charity are just the sweetest! After India Night I was promptly greeted by HALEY!! A quick windows down, music blasting road trip down the street to Coldstone to catch up and prepare for a fun filled Wednesday.

March 2
Haley and I spent our day at the beach, eat snacks, swimming, and turning into golden goddesses (okay, maybe not golden, but rather a bright shade of red...) We finished up our day at Panera, eating outside to soak up the last few minutes in the sun, and then Haley had to leave me :( We packed her car and I actually considered putting a nail in her tire so she didn't have to leave (except that it was her grandma's car and I would never do that...)

March 3
Back in the office! Nothing too noteworthy from this day either, but even though there's work to be done, I love hanging out with these people! 

Things I've learned this week:
 1. Panera got rid of their buttered noodles and it looks like they aren't bringing them back... Sad.

2. Lake Worth beach is great! Not too crowded, clear water, and lots of sunshine.

3. Saying goodbye to a pup is harder than you expect.
4. I'm never checking a suitcase again... Carry on for the win!

5. Beezie Madden is a god... (okay I already knew that, but it was reaffirmed)

Wellington Weekly #8

(I had a brief video compilation of weeks 6, 7, & 8, but it won't download... I am struggling.)

February 19 
It's Grand Prix day!!! Emily and I covered the Grand Prix today, and it was held at Global because of the hunter week takeover at WEF. I had a nice day relaxing and getting some chores done, followed by a fun evening at the Grand Prix! As always, I am so amazed by the talent that I am surrounded by here in Wellington.

February 20
A quick tan by the pool, catnap, and headed off to the VIP tent at WEF to help with a book signing! The best part? VIP desserts!! And a front row seat the the hunter spectacular! After the book signing I met up with office people at a polo asado. It was all fun and games until my truck got stuck in the mud... Note to self: do not try to turn around in a low, sandy grassy area, because my truck is note four wheel drive, and the sand was actually mud... After a minor panic attack I called Triple AAA and a very unimpressed tow guy came and pulled me out of the even more unimpressive mud puddle. Hooray!

February 21
Rise and shine, horse shows wait for no one! Taylor and I covered the U25 and the Grand Prix, and we got to cover it at Global in the grass derby ring! It was the perfect weather. But of course, in true Ally fashion, the one day I am actually VIP enough to eat Global food, I decide I'm hungry enough after they've cleaned it up... Maybe next time....

February 22
After a day spent in the office, everyone in the office headed out to Mason and Ron's new home for their house warming party! I've decided I'm moving in and there's nothing they can do to stop me. Afterwards, the interns headed to Flannigan's for free nachos the size of two of my heads, chicken fingers, and curly fries, and I've never been happier. If there's one thing us interns do right, it's making good food decisions.

February 23
After rising from bed in a complete greasy food coma, I spent the day in the office, followed by the North American Riders Group Meeting (NARG). They talked all about the successes and failures for horse shows in the past year and what the future looks like. I got to sit 6 feet away from Beezie Madden and Kent Farrington, so that was cool. Oh, and I got a free hat. Hooray for NARG!

February 24 

Possibly one of the funniest nights so far. After an office day, a bunch of us went to AEGT at the White Horse to support Jamie's boyfriend who would be eating fire and walking on glass barefoot... Little did we know we would also be supporting Emily as she was forced to volunteer to piggy-back across the glass!! She was a great sport and the performance was great!!

February 25 
My day off!! Today I met up with Nikki who I got hooked up with thanks to Miranda at OU! I met her horse, Lovey, and her adorable pup, and hung out with the Phelps girls in the media tent for a bit while snacking on Titos chips and salsa. I then went home to get some laundry done (and the dryer decided not to dry my clothes... AWESOME), and I headed out to meet the interns for sushi! I think this was the first time we were ALL in one place hanging out, and it was great (and delicious!)

Things I've learned this week:

1. Triple AAA is a blessing

2. If you are offered VIP food, don't wait. Go. Now. Eat. As much as you possibly can.

3. If dolphin is on the menu, it's not actually dolphin. It's Mahi.....

4. NARG... It's a thing, and it's pretty cool.

5. Split clothes into two dryers, or they will never get dry...

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Wellington Weekly #6 & #7

So l got busy, and life got crazy, and I forgot to blog for two weeks... So this will be an overview, touching on the highlights and exciting parts of my sixth and seventh weeks in Wellington! 

February 5-7
This was a busy weekend! It was packed full of equitation and hunter coverage, and each new day of show coverage makes me fall in love with the sport all over again! I think I'm starting to get good at taking pictures too... always a nice feeling!

February 8-12
Office, office, office, off-day, office... That's how this week went! Ilana and I were in the office super late on Tuesday, so we treated ourselves to Chipotle! The best part was that it was free Chipotle, so splurging on chips and salsa was totally necessary. Thursday Jenna and I grabbed dinner at BurgerFi (I don't usually like sauces, but the BurgerFi sauce is magical) and headed to The Grille for a pre-India Night event! I got to see some pretty cool people and hang out with Jenna and Emily for the night!

February 13
A Saturday well spent! I spent the morning covering two hunter divisions, finished up my work, and headed to the polo fields. The interns were invited to join Chip and a few other people at the 40-Goal Nespresso charity polo game. I learned a little more about polo, saw some of the best players in the sport, and had some delicious food and good times with great friends!
February 14-15
My Valentine's Day morning was spent in the car heading west to see my grandparents in Fort Myers. After I arrived, we hung out at the house, ate some pizza, and my cousin and I headed out to the movies to see The Choice. I am a huge fan of sappy romance movies, but I must say that going to the movies on Valentine's day was not my best idea (note to self). After being treated to coffee and waffles Monday morning followed by The Martian and burgers, I made the trek back to Wellington for another fun week!

February 16-18
After a riveting day in the office Tuesday, I had a day off Wednesday. Ilana and I laid out by the pool and then treated ourselves to Rita's and Trader Joe's splurging. A perfect way to spend the day off. I also got a letter in the mail from my friend Brie on Wednesday, and it brought to tears! It inspired me and reminded me just how great the people in my life are. (#blessed) Thursday night Jenna and I worked during the John Green reelection party held at Mason's home! Ron and Mason have the most beautiful home, it could be right out of a magazine! After the party we went to Lindburgers with the other two interns to support the Salvation Tree (of course we had to order the foot of onion rings... worth it!)

Things I've learned:
1. DO NOT go to the movies on Valentine's day, single or coupled

2. SO many things about polo

3. Chipotle tastes better when it's free

4. I have the BEST people in my life right now and I am so #blessed

5. Getting tan is a marathon... Not a sprint....

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Wellington Weekly #5

 January 29
Today started out bright and early, just like the usual Friday! I was off to WEF to cover the talent search, and had an amazing view of the sunrise on my way to work! I am not a fan of early mornings, but I do love a good sunrise. That night, Jenna and I met up to go to the movies! I am a huge fan of going to the movies, and I am always down for popcorn with extra butter! We saw The Fifth Wave, and I will admit, it was entertaining, but predictable. It was another "the world is ending but there's also a love triangle" type of movie, but I liked it!

January 30
Today was my first day covering a hunter class! I opted to cover the small junior divisions, and everything went well! After working, Jenna and I headed to WEF to watch the Saturday Night Lights Grand Prix. We stuck around for the end and got to watch the press conference with Todd Minikus, Laura Kraut, and Chloe Reid. It's still so surreal to be surrounded by some of the best riders in the world!
January 31
Today was a nice lazy day off. I also went to the gym today, and was pretty proud of myself. Let's hope the trend continues! I also started up Making a Murderer again, and I am addicted.

February 1
I spent my first day of February in the office. All of the interns were actually in the office today! (minus Caroline... boo!) We decided we would start a weekly tradition: intern dinner!! After I went to the gym, Ilana and Jenna came over to my place and I cooked spaghetti squash, chicken, and made salads. We followed dinner up with powdered donuts and Grease live! It was a super fun night.

February 2
A day off... on a Tuesday?! Yes!! How did I spend my Tuesday? Why, laying out by the pool of course! I decided I needed to stop looking like a ghost, so I went out to the pool to tan and relax. I also started reading An Abundance of Katherines by John Green. It's a nice, slow pool read!

February 3
A lonely day in the office, all the interns abandoned me!! I ran some errands mid-day in anticipation for the Wellington Masters this week, and met up with Jenna for some much needed Chili's. The chips and salsa are super addicting, and now that I know they are free on the bar side, I can't resist.

February 4
A day off, on Thursday? Yes! Another day spent sleeping in, laying out by the pool, reading my book, and going to the gym! It's nice to have a few relaxing days to break up the week, and to re-energize myself for a busy weekend of coverage this weekend!

Things I learned this week 
1. Waking up early is worth it for sunrises

2. I am not immune to sunburn... Always wear sunscreen
3. Steven Avery is innocent
4. You will always regret the amount of chips you eat afterwards
5. Every movie probably has a love triangle

Friday, January 29, 2016

Wellington Weekly #4

It's official: I've survived my first month in Wellington! 

January 22
 The day started out bright and early to cover the USET Talent Search. Skies were partly cloudy for the first half of the class, and then the heavens opened up and poured. At WEF, when it rains, it pours. After surviving covering the class in the rain, I headed home to greet my cousin and her friend that come into town to visit this weekend! Friday night I got to work the check-in table at the USET Rockin' Rio gala! I checked in big name riders, made eye contact with Bruce Springsteen, stood four feet away from Beezie Madden, and got to walk around and pretend like I was a guest at the gala. The Phelps GM Julie was even nice enough to buy the volunteers a nice dinner at the Grille afterward. Such a great night spent with great people!

January 23
 Another day of horse show coverage! Today I got to cover the U25 Grand Prix, and the wind wand the cold were crazy! Today was the day I finally felt like my photos were getting good, and I got some great shots! I took my cousin and her friend to the Saturday Night Lights Grand Prix event to give them a taste of the equestrian world. I know it's probably freezing cold in most northern parts of the country, but Wellington was super cold this night. It was very strange! I can't complain too much because 90% of the time it's beautiful. After the show we did some late night Publix grocery shopping and headed home for bed!

January 24
Today was our lazy day! We hung around the house, and then my cousin and her friend headed out to pick us up some cheesecake from Cheesecake Factory while I made tacos for dinner! We enjoyed our meal, and scrunched up on the mattress to watch Carrie. We were in the mood for a scary movie, and this one was the right amount of entertaining and scary.

January 25
The girls' last day!! We all went to Chili's for lunch before the girls had to head back home, took a few necessary selfies, and they were on their way! After they left I got some errands done, cleaned up a little bit, made myself dinner, and prepared for a fun-filled week ahead!

January 26
Today was my Monday since I had Monday off. It was a fairly low-key day at the office. After work I headed home for a quick change and then went to work the American Equestrians Got Talent Event at the White Horse! Everyone that auditioned were so great. Equestrians in this area are so talented! The judges for the night were Margaret Duprey, Chip McKinney (from Phelps!), Laura Kraut (olympian!!!), and Karmine. Such a fun night!

January 27
Another rainy day! It was a pretty low key day today spent in the office and helping out the girls. When I got home, I did laundry! Pretty proud of myself for that one. I also finished One Tree Hill tonight, and it was an emotional mix of happiness and depression and emptiness... Now I need a new show.

January 28 
Today was supposed to be a WEF Challenge coverage day, but WEF got rained out! I wasn't too surprised, to be honest. It had been monsooning for the past 48 hours! I spent the day hanging out in the office, got myself a gym membership, picked up some Chick-Fil-A for dinner (the reason I needed a gym membership...), and went to bed early to prep for a weekend of show coverage!

Things I learned this week

1. Always volunteer to work events... You never know who you'll see or meet!

2. Florida does get cold, and I needed a heavier jacket on Saturday.

3. One Tree Hill is better than Gossip Girl.

4. Chili's chips and salsa are free if you sit on the bar side.

5. Laundry is $1.50 per wash and $1.50 per dry... Have to keep this in mind.

6. Famous horseback riders are normal people too except more fabulous and rich and famous.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Wellington Weekly #3

These past two weeks have flown by. I can't believe I've already been a Wellington resident for 3 weeks and my first week of WEF is over!

January 15
 Today was my first day shooting a horse show class solo! I got to cover the USEF Talent Search class, and of course with my lucky, it was raining that day. Anyone that knows me, knows that I cannot stand the rain, and I melt if I ever have to walk, ride, or god forbid, horse show, in the rain. Luckily, there was a pavilion for spectators that I could stand under and still manage to get some okay looking photos! I held an interview, edited photos, wrote the article, and finished up my first day of solo event coverage. I was also able to see Julie, Alli, and Kara today!

January 16
I love this sport. I already knew that, but this day in particular made me truly appreciate how blessed I am to have it in my life. The day started out at the College Preparatory Invitational where I watched Alli kill it in her two classes. After we all hung out at WEF and bought some WEF merch (hooray for being paid!) I went back to my place to change and prep for the Saturday Night Lights Battle of the Sexes event!! Standing ringside at the Battle of the Sexes, looking out at the crowds and the kids that were there, watching the riders compete, and just thinking how lucky I was to be there working for Phelps, was truly an amazing feeling. Taylor and I didn't leave the show grounds until 11:45 that night, but it was one of my favorite nights so far!

January 17
 Sunday was my day off! I got some recovery sleep, did a little bit of work, and hung out with Alli, Kara, and Julie until they had to leave and head back to VA. I am happy that I got to see them as much as I did while they were here. I'm going to miss them! (side note: I made it to season 7 of One Tree Hill tonight... I'm a little obsessed)

January 18
No days off for people in the real world, even on Martin Luther King day! It's okay, though. A day spent in the Phelps office is a day well spent! Today was a pretty low-key day, nothing too news worthy... Except that I had a pretty delicious Jamba Juice smoothie for lunch...

January 19
Staff meeting day! It's still so interesting to me to hear everyone talk about all of the amazing things their working on with our clients. I could listen to them talk for hours! The horse world is a great place to be.

January 20
Today was my day off, and I had all of these grand plans to be productive and get a lot of stuff done. What ended up happening?? Most of the day was spent sitting around watching One Tree Hill on Netflix... I did take a break to make myself lunch and dinner, but other than that, I was a potato all day long.

January 21
After a day working in the office and checking things off of lists, the interns and a couple girls from the office headed to the Wellington Amphitheater for the Food Truck Invasion!!! The interns have decided that this needs to be a weekly event, no matter what our bank account says. There were so many food trucks, ranging from chinese food to burgers to vegetarian to shave ice and donuts! I had the best burger I have ever had (it may have helped that I was very hungry...but it was still amazing). Definitely a must see in Wellington and a great way to end week 3!

Things I learned this week

 1. I love this job.

2.Tiger's blood is a shaved ice flavor...Berry coconut flavored and very tasty.

3. One Tree Hill is addicting and I am way to emotionally invested.

4. My hatred for the rain was reaffirmed.

5. Potato chips on burgers is delicious.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Wellington Weekly #2

And so ends week 2! This week brought on stress, travel, and the start of WEF!

January 8
Friday was a day of errands! We got to sit in on an interview at the WEF equestrian center and had to escape the rain in the middle of it! After venturing around the center, picking up some boxes and handing out flyers, we headed back to the office before wishing everyone a happy Friday and headed home. This day was particularly stressful though, as I learned that a package (that included VERY important papers) that was supposedly delivered to my door, was nowhere to be seen. Still no word yet (ugh).
January 9
Today brought travel! I packed up my weekender bag and headed to my grandparents' house in Fort Myers. After driving 2 hours through miles of farmland, I made it in on piece, and I was treated to PF Changs' for dinner (my favorite!). Ice cream for desert, a visit from my cousin, and tornado warnings to finish out the night!

January 10
Today was another unlucky today. I woke up to find that my laptop charger was no longer working, so we made a run to Best Buy for a new one! We also made stops at Target and Ulta (of course), and grabbed lunch at Tropical Smoothie (Bahama Mama for the win). My aunt, uncle, and two cousins came over to hang out for a little bit, and my grandma and I watched a movie to finish out the night (it was called "Every Secret Thing", and was great!!)

January 11
My body actually woke me up at 8am. That NEVER happens!!! I took advantage of it, made some waffles, and ate breakfast with my grandparents. I did my laundry (thanks Grams & Gramps!!), ate some lunch, and made my way back through the farmland to get home in time to grocery shop, make some dinner, and get to bed to prepare for another week at Phelps!

January 12
This day was a great day to help me get back into the swing of things after a long three day weekend! I worked at the office late, made myself dinner, and and ended my night with One Tree Hill. Not a bad day!

January 13
We had our hunter/jumper orientation at WEF today, and it was awesome to finally get behind a camera and get to shoot some pictures. Come to find out, I'm actually not too bad at it... think four months worth of WEF practice will help! After work I got to go do the social media for the American Equestrians Got Talent event. It was fun to hang out with some of my coworkers and watch some fellow equestrians get up on stage and sing and dance their hearts out!

January 14
This was an awesome day. I got to help shoot photos for the WEF challenge jumper class, and even had some featured in an article on Phelps Sports! After leaving work, I met up with my trainer, my friend, and her mom from back home and it was so nice to be able to see them while they're in town!

Things I learned this week:

1. It's definitely worth it to drive an extra 20 minutes for cheap gas.

2. If a package has important papers, make sure someone has to sign for it (or you may never see it again). 

3. Tornadoes are a thing in Florida. 

4. Take care of your laptop chargers (or you'll spend $80 for a new one).

5. Check the label on your tablespoons... Sometimes they read "tbsp & 1/2"... Oops...

6. Excedrin Migraine works wonders.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Wellington Weekly # 1

I've made it through the first week of 2016, and oh my, it has already been a whirlwind. To ring in 2016, I spent New Year's Eve with my family. It was a nice quiet evening at home. The next morning I had a bright and early 6 am wake-up call. I was headed to FLORIDA! 

At that point, it still hadn't sunk in that I would be spending an entire semester in Wellington, Florida working for Phelps Media Group as a seasonal intern. I had been waiting for this day for two months, and it was finally here. My mom and I packed up the truck, and started our decent into the south.

January 1
We made a stop in Jacksonville after driving for about 10 hours. Nothing too exciting happened this day, except that maybe I drove the entire way while my mom had the luxury of taking a nap. You're welcome mom!

January 2
The next morning we had breakfast with one of my mom's old friends, and drove the final few hours to the condo I would be staying in. I'm staying with a friend of someone in the Phelps company, and she has been great! I have my own room and bathroom, and we both really get along. My mom and I explored the Palm Beach area, and I drug her to the Palm Beach International Equestrian Center, where I will be spending most of my time working. I fell in LOVE. Wellington is the perfect spot for equestrian fanatics. There are trails alongside the road, equestrian centers on every corner, and of course, palm trees as far as the eye can see! After drooling over the horses and the facility, we grabbed dinner (and ate way too much chips and salsa) did some grocery shopping, and headed back to the condo to finish settling in.

January 3
A lazy Sunday well spent! My mom really wanted to go to the beach, but we ended up deciding on spending the day shopping and exploring. We found the original Lilly Pulitzer juice stand first. It was really cool to experience the small business, local feel. We walked around the shops on Worth Avenue, and it was definitely not our speed when it comes to shopping. We aborted the upscale shopping and headed to an outdoor mall. First stop? Cheesecake factory!! The S'mores cheesecake is 100% recommended for sure. After walking around a little bit more, we headed to the condo to finish off the day by making spaghetti squash! My first time trying it and definitely not my last. Also 100% recommended!! (we also attempted to watch making a murderer, but I fell asleep and my mom stayed up googling information on the case...oops!)

January 4
My first day of work!! This was an exciting and nerve-racking day. I couldn't wait to start my short, but whirlwind career at Phelps. We got introduced around the company, introduced to our very own intern office (yup!) and hit the ground running with lunch provided by the ever so gracious owner, Mason Phelps, and an orientation on how to post releases and work the cameras! I have little photography experience, but holding one of those huge fancy Cannons felt pretty good! I met up with my mom after work and we headed to the condo for leftovers! I then proceeded to fall asleep to another movie we tried to watch (sorry mom!).

January 5
This morning I had to say goodbye to my mom! My uncle was on his way to pick her up and drive her to Fort Myers, and I was headed in for my second day at work. I am so thankful that she was able to come help me settle in. At work we got to sit in on a staff meeting and hear about all of the amazing things everyone here is working on. It really opened my eyes to the amount of effort and passion each person has for what they do. When I got home from work, I had my first ever night alone! I made myself an adult meal, finished season 5 of One Tree Hill, and hit the hay (pun intended).

January 6
Hump day!! It seems the week is actually going by faster working a 9-5. Now, the job won't be a 9-5 once WEF kicks in next week, but I'm loving every second so far. Today we got to transcribe interviews and learn more about what goes on behind the scenes! The other hunter/jumper intern, Jenna, and I went to Panera for lunch, and took a trip to sight see some amazing farms after work. We stopped at Target for some necessary shopping, and I headed home to make dinner and call it a night! (after baking cookies of course)

January 7
Today was polo day!! Mason, the founder, and Chip, the CEO, were kind enough to take the new employees out to lunch at the International Polo Club. I felt like I was sitting in a resort or on the set of a movie as I scarfed down my food (important note: the polo ball is the must have dessert... a ball of ice cream rolled in coconut and covered in hot fudge... HEAVEN!). It was a wonderful afternoon, and another lovely day spent at the Phelps office. I think I'm going to like it here!!

Allyson xoxo

Things I learned this week
1. Always give your mom some credit and some thanks. Being you're own adult person is hard, but being a mom is even harder. 

2. Always check the expiration date....Especially on your license. Just take my word on this one. 

3. Florida weather is beautiful... but it also rains. Keep an umbrella in your car and in your purse at all times, you'll probably need it.

4. A "chucker" in polo is the equivalent to an inning. 

5. You can learn something new from everyone from you meet. 

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

New Year, New Adventure

Dear 2015, 

You have been an amazing year. You've given me rest where I was once anxious, stress levels that I didn't even know existed, pure, genuine happiness, and unforgettable memories. This was a big year of change and trying new things, and I couldn't be more grateful.

I explored the gems and beauty of Athens. I was lucky enough to do that with some of the greatest friends I have ever met, and they have helped me grow into the person that I am today. I am forever thankful that 2015 brought me closer to an amazing group of people. 

I tried my hand at wheel throwing, and learned that I am way more of a perfectionist than I thought. I also learned that I am not that great at wheel throwing, especially when comparing myself among a class of art majors. That's the funny thing about art though, you don't have to be perfect every single time, and I'm glad that class helped me see that.

I finished my first year as a college equestrian, and won the award for best fall (thanks to the horse that will not be named and the standard that fell on top of me). This was the year I really started to change the way I rode mentally. I laughed off my mistakes, brushed off the falls, and tried to challenge my frustration into working harder at my sport. Riding became a lot more fun this year, the way it's supposed to be. I'm still not perfect, but no one is.

I took a leap of faith and applied to the Emerging Athletes Program, and I got in. I don't think it would've have happened without my unfailing support from my family and my trainers (and of course the horses). I got to train with Karen Healey and meet amazing riders and professionals in the sport. I learned how to overcome adversity, how to ride a horse I've never ridden over 3'6'' courses and how to pick yourself up from the ground when you fall off while everyone is watching. The clinic was the most draining and rewarding week I could've have imagined.

It was a smaller year for travel, seeing places like Fort Myers for Spring Break with my roommate, New York City with HTC, Texas over the Summer, Pittsburgh for Thanksgiving, and back to Florida to begin my 2016 adventures. It was a summer of music, getting pit passes to Sam Hunt, Hunter Hayes, and Lady Antebellum, and floor seats to Taylor Swift!!!!! I even got to see (and meet!) musician extraordinaire Miranda Sings! I also spent my summer working at a bakery. It was such a fun summer job, and I met a great group of girls that became my friends. Not many people can say they spent their summer baking cupcakes!

My semester back at OU was definitely the hardest ones yet. It was cluster semester, and every OU business major probably shudders every time they hear that word. Cluster brought lots of tears, lots of stress, lots of late nights, and a group of new lifelong friends and fun celebrations when it was all over. I am grateful for all that cluster taught me even if I hated it while I was doing it. 

My Fall Sophomore semester was still pretty exciting despite cluster. I was initiated into the charter class of Gamma Phi Beta (and got a twin!) I made a surprise visit to VA after driving through the night. My friends from UVA visited me for a weekend. I visited my family in Pittsburgh for Thanksgiving. I made some new friends, hung out with the old, and managed to have a little bit of fun along the treacherous cluster path. 

 I love writing out everything that I did over the year and realizing all of the blessings that I have. I am truly grateful for every experience, hardship, and person that has touched my life along the way. 2016's mantra is officially, "New year, new adventures." Farewell 2015, you've been good to me.

Allyson xoxo