Saturday, February 6, 2016

Wellington Weekly #5

 January 29
Today started out bright and early, just like the usual Friday! I was off to WEF to cover the talent search, and had an amazing view of the sunrise on my way to work! I am not a fan of early mornings, but I do love a good sunrise. That night, Jenna and I met up to go to the movies! I am a huge fan of going to the movies, and I am always down for popcorn with extra butter! We saw The Fifth Wave, and I will admit, it was entertaining, but predictable. It was another "the world is ending but there's also a love triangle" type of movie, but I liked it!

January 30
Today was my first day covering a hunter class! I opted to cover the small junior divisions, and everything went well! After working, Jenna and I headed to WEF to watch the Saturday Night Lights Grand Prix. We stuck around for the end and got to watch the press conference with Todd Minikus, Laura Kraut, and Chloe Reid. It's still so surreal to be surrounded by some of the best riders in the world!
January 31
Today was a nice lazy day off. I also went to the gym today, and was pretty proud of myself. Let's hope the trend continues! I also started up Making a Murderer again, and I am addicted.

February 1
I spent my first day of February in the office. All of the interns were actually in the office today! (minus Caroline... boo!) We decided we would start a weekly tradition: intern dinner!! After I went to the gym, Ilana and Jenna came over to my place and I cooked spaghetti squash, chicken, and made salads. We followed dinner up with powdered donuts and Grease live! It was a super fun night.

February 2
A day off... on a Tuesday?! Yes!! How did I spend my Tuesday? Why, laying out by the pool of course! I decided I needed to stop looking like a ghost, so I went out to the pool to tan and relax. I also started reading An Abundance of Katherines by John Green. It's a nice, slow pool read!

February 3
A lonely day in the office, all the interns abandoned me!! I ran some errands mid-day in anticipation for the Wellington Masters this week, and met up with Jenna for some much needed Chili's. The chips and salsa are super addicting, and now that I know they are free on the bar side, I can't resist.

February 4
A day off, on Thursday? Yes! Another day spent sleeping in, laying out by the pool, reading my book, and going to the gym! It's nice to have a few relaxing days to break up the week, and to re-energize myself for a busy weekend of coverage this weekend!

Things I learned this week 
1. Waking up early is worth it for sunrises

2. I am not immune to sunburn... Always wear sunscreen
3. Steven Avery is innocent
4. You will always regret the amount of chips you eat afterwards
5. Every movie probably has a love triangle

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