Saturday, April 9, 2016

Wellington Wrap Up

"Every day God invites us on the same kind of adventure. It's not a trip where He sends us a rigid itinerary, He simply invites us. God asks what it is He's made us to love, what it is that captures our attention, what feeds that deep indescribable need of our souls to experience the richness of the world He made. And then, leaning over us, He whispers, "Let's go do that together.” -Bob Goff

(a brief compilation of some Wellington highlights, wrapped up perfectly be Ilana at the end)

This has been such an amazing adventure, and I am so grateful for everything I have been able to do, everyone I have met, and all that I have learned. Sometimes you just have to open your heart and let God guide you to where you need to be, and this is definitely where I want to be. Here's to an adventure filled Summer 2016!

Things I've learned:

1. Take a leap of faith always

2. Olympic riders are just like us (only cooler)

3. Giraffes have really, really long tongues  

4. Horses are still as cool as I thought they were

5. Burgerfi needs to be in every city in America

6. Do not be driven by fear

7. A lot of things about polo

8. You can find a friend in all types of people

9. Even though I am Italian I do not tan quickly...

10. Phelps is pretty cool ;)  

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Wellington Weekly #14

Season is officially over!! That means my time at Phelps was coming to a close... But in an exciting turn of events, I will be staying here for the summer!! I cannot wait to continue working for this amazing company. Here is my "last week" at the internship:

April 1
GPL! I worked in the office today, and then Kendall and I headed to IPC to shoot photos for the GPL Polotini party!! After we worked, I stayed to hang out with Barre and Ilana, and headed to home to rest up for the hunter derby!

April 2
 Taylor and I got to cover the hunter derby today, and luckily the weather was kind to us. It was hot, but the wind was forgiving, and the class was fun to watch! After the derby, the interns headed to WEF to get drenched in the rain during the last grand prix of the season! We took shelter in the media tent for a bit, and then headed out before the jump off ended.

April 3
For the first time ever, all of us had the day off! We had lunch at Short Stacks (highly recommend) and made a plan for an exciting afternoon. It started out by a possibly homeless and mentally absent man telling us that our legs looked like Italy (he wasn't wrong...). He probably said it over and over about 30 times. We then retreated to our car, and he proceeded to follow us... So we got in Barre's getaway car, and headed out of there. After all of that excitement, we finally decided on going to the drive through Safari! One of the most fun days ever. And I fed a giraffe... Life = made.

April 4
It was back to the office, and not much to report on this day. 

April 5
An exciting day! It was technically the intern's last staff meeting, and last week in the office, so the office shut down at two and we all went out to Casa Tequila for mexican food!! (and cake for Cat & Ilana's birthday!) After eating way too much Mexican, I went to Ilana's pool to "tan" with what little sun was left. Ilana, Barre, and I decided we needed Rita's, and then we decided that we had to introduce Ilana to the joy that is Outback bread and blooming onion. A great decision. 

April 6
Today was a big day! I decided to stay at Phelps for the summer, and got lots of excited reactions from people in the office! I can't wait to see what the summer has in store, and I can't wait to see who else will be joining the Phelps team! After work, Ilana, Barre, and I headed to MA's to check on her kitty, and stopped by the outlets for a little window shopping (then they convinced me to buy bracelet, and I don't regret that decision). I did laundry and then called it a night! 

April 7
All of the interns decided to sit at the big conference table in the back instead of in our office, and it was a great decision. We all got CR Chick's for lunch, and had a fun time just hanging out. For dinner, what else was there to do but go to the Food Truck Invasion!?? So many great food choices were made this week. 

April 8
Today was Ilana's and Jenna's final day in the office. After I covered a class at the show in the morning and worked in the office for a few hours, we packed up Barre's car and headed for Miami. No, not for a vacation, but for a horse show... ON THE BEACH. It was so cool. We're super lucky that we got to leave the office early and watch the show on the beach. 

I am going to do a wrap up of my WEF Season here at Phelps, so hopefully I'll some "Things I've learned" that will wrap things up... Also my excuse to not include that in this post because I'm lazy and just very far behind at this point. A WEF wrap up video to come too!! Stay tuned for fun things!

Wellington Weekly #11, 12, 13

I should've known that committing myself to doing this every week was going to end bad. I've fallen very behind. This is my attempt to round up the last few weeks here in Wellington (very, very, very broad overview)

Week 11
1. PONIES!! I covered the pony derby out on the grass field, and my heart was so full of warm fuzzies while I watched the kids parade around the course on their fabulous ponies (also burnt the backs of my legs and they were on FIRE)

2. Covered the WEF Challenge on St. Patty's day, and 1.50m GP on Sunday followed by "pan-handling" free totes and socks on the side of the road! Fun times.

Week 12
1. Nothing too noteworthy that I can remember... Fun horse show coverage and exciting times in the office!

Week 13
1. I got to cover the George Morris Excellence in Equitation Championship with Emily, and it was great!! I didn't meet the legend himself, but it was cool to watch some of the best equitation riders compete... Without trainers! The evening finished up the only way we knew how: BURGERFI

2. I took the weekend to drive to Fort Myers to spend time with my family and my parents and sister that were in town too! Had a nice visit, good fun, and lots of candy from the Easter bunny (aka mom)

3. This week also kicked off GPL week! I went to Mason & Ron's on Thursday night to shoot the VIP party and hang with the best!

For the life of me, I cannot remember anything that I would have learned these past three weeks...